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Genuine Vogel crystal

Vogel Crystals

The Healing Power of Nature

Vogel crystals are natural quartz crystals skillfully cut to precise angles for enhanced use in meditation and energy work.

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Vogel Cut Crystals are natural quartz crystals that are carefully cut in conformance to the findings and teachings of Marcel Vogel (1917-1991). They are crystals that are often used in meditation, energy work, and clearing work. The crystals are cut in a specific way that maximizes the collection, amplification, and transmission of the Universal Life Force Energy also often referred to as “Chi” or simply “energy”.

Our Crystals

Our crystals were cut by a highly skilled craftsman that uses the correct angles, orientation, material and intent needed to create a fine tuned Vogel cut crystal. There are very few crystal cutters in the world that can cut a true Vogel crystal and know how to achieve the correct characteristics.


These crystals are made from Himalayan Quartz that is nearly entirely clear with very few visible natural inclusions. This in itself makes them quite rare. Vogel crystals are used by vibrational healers, Reiki practitioners and other energy workers as the crystal can amplify energy work.


These crystals are double terminated. Our cutter uses intuition with each crystal that is cut. The female end (receiving/input end) is approximately 52 degrees and the male end (firing tip) has been cut to approximately 60 degrees. Because each crystal has its own frequency and unique qualities, we find that for optimization of the crystal, it is important to take this into account when cutting them.  This is why our angles are approximate, as we work with each crystal to maximize its amplifying abilities! We have found this to be very important when cutting crystals. The receiving end of the crystals (female end) are cut to approximately the angle of the great pyramid (which depending on the source is 51.4-51.85 degrees).  This process creates what we have found to be the most effective and powerfully amplifying Vogel cut crystal!

Vogel Cut Crystal


  • You must first start with natural quartz. Man-made material will not perform the same.

  • The crystal must be hand-cut with the necessary intent, skill, and understanding of the crystal and its intended uses.


  • The crystal must be double terminated and cut and polished to this shape.


  • The crystal must be cut completely aligned with the C axis of the quartz crystal.

  • The receptive end of the crystal (sometimes called the female end) must be faceted forming an internal angle of 51 degrees.* 


  • This is the same angle as the angle of the sides of the Great Pyramid at Giza.


  • The crystal must have four or more side facets.


  • The transmitter (sometimes referred to as the male) end of the crystal must be faceted with a more acute internal angle than the receptive end.



*Note: Our crystals are cut to approximately 52 degrees on the female end. Depending on the source, the angle of the Great Pyramid is 51.4 to 51.85 degrees. Because each crystal has its own frequency and unique qualities, we find that for optimization that this is important to take this into account when cutting them.  This is why our angles are approximate, as we work with each crystal to maximize its amplifying abilities! This process creates what we have found to be the most effective and powerfully amplifying Vogel cut crystal!

    In this exciting documentary on Vogel Cut Crystals we go over - The knowledge behind these amazing tools, the science behind the Vogel Cut Crystal, the characteristics of quartz, how to clear, program and use a Vogel Crystal, how these crystals can be a powerful addition to energy grids, tuning forks and cutting edge technologies and a lot more!
    In this exciting documentary on Vogel Cut Crystals we go over - The knowledge behind these amazing tools, the science behind the Vogel Cut Crystal, the characteristics of quartz, how to clear, program and use a Vogel Crystal, how these crystals can be a powerful addition to energy grids, tuning forks and cutting edge technologies and a lot more!
    In this exciting documentary on Vogel Cut Crystals we go over - The knowledge behind these amazing tools, the science behind the Vogel Cut Crystal, the characteristics of quartz, how to clear, program and use a Vogel Crystal, how these crystals can be a powerful addition to energy grids, tuning forks and cutting edge technologies and a lot more!
  • Are all “Vogel” cut crystals on the market the same?
    Marcel Vogel is no longer around. The knowledge has been passed and shared with a small group of people. There are many cut crystals that visibly look similar to a “Vogel” cut crystal but lack some of the important characteristics necessary to bring forth optimum performance. Our crystals are true Vogel crystals hand cut with for optimum performance. A natural uncut crystal is like a radio signal that is not being broadcasted clearly. It transmits and receives but the signal is wide and broad. A cut crystal is a high tuned ampler. The larger male end should be cut to the angle of the great pyramid.
  • Are all “Vogel” cut crystals on the market the same?
    Marcel Vogel is no longer around. The knowledge has been passed and shared with a small group of people. There are many cut crystals that visibly look similar to a “Vogel” cut crystal but lack some of the important characteristics necessary to bring forth optimum performance. Our crystals are true Vogel crystals hand cut with for optimum performance. A natural uncut crystal is like a radio signal that is not being broadcasted clearly. It transmits and receives but the signal is wide and broad. A cut crystal is a high tuned ampler. The larger male end should be cut to the angle of the great pyramid.
  • Are all “Vogel” cut crystals on the market the same?
    Marcel Vogel is no longer around. The knowledge has been passed and shared with a small group of people. There are many cut crystals that visibly look similar to a “Vogel” cut crystal but lack some of the important characteristics necessary to bring forth optimum performance. Our crystals are true Vogel crystals hand cut with for optimum performance. A natural uncut crystal is like a radio signal that is not being broadcasted clearly. It transmits and receives but the signal is wide and broad. A cut crystal is a high tuned ampler. The larger male end should be cut to the angle of the great pyramid.
  • Why purchase our crystals?
    Intention and purity that goes into their creation. High level of quality: visibly, most are nearly optical grade clear quartz with few to no visible inclusions to the visible eye. This level of quartz clarity is rare. We cut ours to optimize the crystal's potentials. Each crystal that Mother Nature grows is unique and different. Using intuition coupled with the correct angles can maximize that crystals unique amplifying abilities!
  • Why purchase our crystals?
    Intention and purity that goes into their creation. High level of quality: visibly, most are nearly optical grade clear quartz with few to no visible inclusions to the visible eye. This level of quartz clarity is rare. We cut ours to optimize the crystal's potentials. Each crystal that Mother Nature grows is unique and different. Using intuition coupled with the correct angles can maximize that crystals unique amplifying abilities!
  • Why purchase our crystals?
    Intention and purity that goes into their creation. High level of quality: visibly, most are nearly optical grade clear quartz with few to no visible inclusions to the visible eye. This level of quartz clarity is rare. We cut ours to optimize the crystal's potentials. Each crystal that Mother Nature grows is unique and different. Using intuition coupled with the correct angles can maximize that crystals unique amplifying abilities!
  • Who historically has cut Vogel Crystals?
    Marcel Vogel himself was the creator (or channeler) of the information behind the Vogel Cut Crystal. Marcel is no longer around but his findings remain and continue to bless humanity. There are only a small handful of cutters in the world that can cut a high-quality Vogel Cut Crystal and our cutter is one of them.
  • Who historically has cut Vogel Crystals?
    Marcel Vogel himself was the creator (or channeler) of the information behind the Vogel Cut Crystal. Marcel is no longer around but his findings remain and continue to bless humanity. There are only a small handful of cutters in the world that can cut a high-quality Vogel Cut Crystal and our cutter is one of them.
  • Who historically has cut Vogel Crystals?
    Marcel Vogel himself was the creator (or channeler) of the information behind the Vogel Cut Crystal. Marcel is no longer around but his findings remain and continue to bless humanity. There are only a small handful of cutters in the world that can cut a high-quality Vogel Cut Crystal and our cutter is one of them.
  • What are the parts of the crystal?
    The larger (wider) end of the crystal which is referred to as the “female” end is the receiving end of the crystal. The life force energy (Qi) enters through the receiving end of the crystal and flows through the crystal and transmits out and through the smaller end known as the “‘male end" or firing tip.
  • What are the parts of the crystal?
    The larger (wider) end of the crystal which is referred to as the “female” end is the receiving end of the crystal. The life force energy (Qi) enters through the receiving end of the crystal and flows through the crystal and transmits out and through the smaller end known as the “‘male end" or firing tip.
  • What are the parts of the crystal?
    The larger (wider) end of the crystal which is referred to as the “female” end is the receiving end of the crystal. The life force energy (Qi) enters through the receiving end of the crystal and flows through the crystal and transmits out and through the smaller end known as the “‘male end" or firing tip.
  • How do “Vogel” Cut Crystals Work?
    Vogel Cut Crystals work by amplify energy and intension. A cut crystal is really like an amplifier. Much in the way in which when you take light and make it coherent you end up with a focused laser beam. This is the same principle but done with thought intension and energy. The “energy” is brought into the crystal and then focused and sent out the tip of the crystal. Energy workers find that healing intension can be focused and projected in this way towards a client by using a Vogel Cut Crystal.
  • How do “Vogel” Cut Crystals Work?
    Vogel Cut Crystals work by amplify energy and intension. A cut crystal is really like an amplifier. Much in the way in which when you take light and make it coherent you end up with a focused laser beam. This is the same principle but done with thought intension and energy. The “energy” is brought into the crystal and then focused and sent out the tip of the crystal. Energy workers find that healing intension can be focused and projected in this way towards a client by using a Vogel Cut Crystal.
  • How do “Vogel” Cut Crystals Work?
    Vogel Cut Crystals work by amplify energy and intension. A cut crystal is really like an amplifier. Much in the way in which when you take light and make it coherent you end up with a focused laser beam. This is the same principle but done with thought intension and energy. The “energy” is brought into the crystal and then focused and sent out the tip of the crystal. Energy workers find that healing intension can be focused and projected in this way towards a client by using a Vogel Cut Crystal.
  • How to Clear a Vogel Cut Crystal
    There are 2 common ways to clear a crystal and bring it back to its default vibrational state. You can do this using the process below and also by using a demagnetizer. Clearing it yourself: (1.) To totally clear a crystal, hold the crystal so that it is upright in your non-dominant hand (for most this is your left hand) between your thumb and middle finger with the firing tip (male end) facing up. The firing tip (also referred to as the male end - pointier/sharper tip) of the crystal should be on the ball of your middle finger and the receiving end of the crystal (wider end also referred to as the female end) should be on the ball of the thumb. (2.) Now with your dominant hand (for most this will be your right hand), pinch two opposing faces of the crystal between your thumb and your middle finger. (3.) Now hold the intention in your mind to clear the crystal. With that intention held within your mind, take a deep breath, focus on the crystal being cleared out, and release your breath in a sharp pulsing fashion out your nostrils. (4.) Now rotate the crystal to the next 2 facets and repeat this process for all of the facet pairs. If it is an odd number facet simply utilize one of the facets opposite the last facet you need to program. For example for a 6 sided crystal you will do this 3 times. For a 13 sided crystal you would do it 7 times and so forth since you are focusing on two opposing faces at a time. The crystal is cleared via the mechanism of current which flows between you fingers. This process brings the crystal back to its default vibrational state. Clearing with a demagnetizer: Another method to clear your crystal is to use a demagnetizer. A demagnetizer is an electrical device that demagnetizes the magnetic field of a component. When the crystal's field is exposed to the strong, irregular fluctuating magnetic field from the demagnetizer, any charge the crystal was carrying will quickly disappear.
  • How to Clear a Vogel Cut Crystal
    There are 2 common ways to clear a crystal and bring it back to its default vibrational state. You can do this using the process below and also by using a demagnetizer. Clearing it yourself: (1.) To totally clear a crystal, hold the crystal so that it is upright in your non-dominant hand (for most this is your left hand) between your thumb and middle finger with the firing tip (male end) facing up. The firing tip (also referred to as the male end - pointier/sharper tip) of the crystal should be on the ball of your middle finger and the receiving end of the crystal (wider end also referred to as the female end) should be on the ball of the thumb. (2.) Now with your dominant hand (for most this will be your right hand), pinch two opposing faces of the crystal between your thumb and your middle finger. (3.) Now hold the intention in your mind to clear the crystal. With that intention held within your mind, take a deep breath, focus on the crystal being cleared out, and release your breath in a sharp pulsing fashion out your nostrils. (4.) Now rotate the crystal to the next 2 facets and repeat this process for all of the facet pairs. If it is an odd number facet simply utilize one of the facets opposite the last facet you need to program. For example for a 6 sided crystal you will do this 3 times. For a 13 sided crystal you would do it 7 times and so forth since you are focusing on two opposing faces at a time. The crystal is cleared via the mechanism of current which flows between you fingers. This process brings the crystal back to its default vibrational state. Clearing with a demagnetizer: Another method to clear your crystal is to use a demagnetizer. A demagnetizer is an electrical device that demagnetizes the magnetic field of a component. When the crystal's field is exposed to the strong, irregular fluctuating magnetic field from the demagnetizer, any charge the crystal was carrying will quickly disappear.
  • How to Clear a Vogel Cut Crystal
    There are 2 common ways to clear a crystal and bring it back to its default vibrational state. You can do this using the process below and also by using a demagnetizer. Clearing it yourself: (1.) To totally clear a crystal, hold the crystal so that it is upright in your non-dominant hand (for most this is your left hand) between your thumb and middle finger with the firing tip (male end) facing up. The firing tip (also referred to as the male end - pointier/sharper tip) of the crystal should be on the ball of your middle finger and the receiving end of the crystal (wider end also referred to as the female end) should be on the ball of the thumb. (2.) Now with your dominant hand (for most this will be your right hand), pinch two opposing faces of the crystal between your thumb and your middle finger. (3.) Now hold the intention in your mind to clear the crystal. With that intention held within your mind, take a deep breath, focus on the crystal being cleared out, and release your breath in a sharp pulsing fashion out your nostrils. (4.) Now rotate the crystal to the next 2 facets and repeat this process for all of the facet pairs. If it is an odd number facet simply utilize one of the facets opposite the last facet you need to program. For example for a 6 sided crystal you will do this 3 times. For a 13 sided crystal you would do it 7 times and so forth since you are focusing on two opposing faces at a time. The crystal is cleared via the mechanism of current which flows between you fingers. This process brings the crystal back to its default vibrational state. Clearing with a demagnetizer: Another method to clear your crystal is to use a demagnetizer. A demagnetizer is an electrical device that demagnetizes the magnetic field of a component. When the crystal's field is exposed to the strong, irregular fluctuating magnetic field from the demagnetizer, any charge the crystal was carrying will quickly disappear.
  • How to Charge your Vogel Cut Crystal
    When charging your crystal you want to be in a peaceful state of being. Since the crystal charge will be coming from your own intention your state of being is paramount. When weather and location aligns, I prefer to stand barefoot on the earth when I do this process. It is not necessary to do it this way but I find it helps being in physical contact to the earth as it both calms my mind and allows for added earth energy to flow into the crystal as I program it. (1.) In your dominant hand (for most this will be your right hand) start rotating the crystal clockwise until it starts to feel a little sticky within your hand. When the crystal begins to feel a little sticky this indicates you have formed a light surface charge on the crystal's surface. (2.) Now think about Unconditional Love. Charging your crystal with Unconditional Universal Love allows for uninhibited intelligent life force (Qi energy) to flow through and into your crystal. (3.) Now take in a deep breath with the intention of programing your crystal with pure Unconditional Love and release your breath abruptly through your nostrils at the crystal. This will charge two opposing crystal faces at a time. Rotate to the next two faces and repeat this process.
  • How to Charge your Vogel Cut Crystal
    When charging your crystal you want to be in a peaceful state of being. Since the crystal charge will be coming from your own intention your state of being is paramount. When weather and location aligns, I prefer to stand barefoot on the earth when I do this process. It is not necessary to do it this way but I find it helps being in physical contact to the earth as it both calms my mind and allows for added earth energy to flow into the crystal as I program it. (1.) In your dominant hand (for most this will be your right hand) start rotating the crystal clockwise until it starts to feel a little sticky within your hand. When the crystal begins to feel a little sticky this indicates you have formed a light surface charge on the crystal's surface. (2.) Now think about Unconditional Love. Charging your crystal with Unconditional Universal Love allows for uninhibited intelligent life force (Qi energy) to flow through and into your crystal. (3.) Now take in a deep breath with the intention of programing your crystal with pure Unconditional Love and release your breath abruptly through your nostrils at the crystal. This will charge two opposing crystal faces at a time. Rotate to the next two faces and repeat this process.
  • How to Charge your Vogel Cut Crystal
    When charging your crystal you want to be in a peaceful state of being. Since the crystal charge will be coming from your own intention your state of being is paramount. When weather and location aligns, I prefer to stand barefoot on the earth when I do this process. It is not necessary to do it this way but I find it helps being in physical contact to the earth as it both calms my mind and allows for added earth energy to flow into the crystal as I program it. (1.) In your dominant hand (for most this will be your right hand) start rotating the crystal clockwise until it starts to feel a little sticky within your hand. When the crystal begins to feel a little sticky this indicates you have formed a light surface charge on the crystal's surface. (2.) Now think about Unconditional Love. Charging your crystal with Unconditional Universal Love allows for uninhibited intelligent life force (Qi energy) to flow through and into your crystal. (3.) Now take in a deep breath with the intention of programing your crystal with pure Unconditional Love and release your breath abruptly through your nostrils at the crystal. This will charge two opposing crystal faces at a time. Rotate to the next two faces and repeat this process.
  • Video Clip of Marcel Vogel clearing and programing a crystal
    Here are some short video clips that show Marcel Vogel sharing how you both clear a crystal, program a crystal and use a crystal. These videos were not uploaded by us so we give special thanks to Dan Willis for uploading and sharing these important clips. For additional videos on Marcel, we suggest going to youtube and typing in "Marcel Vogel workshop" There are some great videos that people have recorded from Marcel's various workshops that are very informative and great to watch.
  • Video Clip of Marcel Vogel clearing and programing a crystal
    Here are some short video clips that show Marcel Vogel sharing how you both clear a crystal, program a crystal and use a crystal. These videos were not uploaded by us so we give special thanks to Dan Willis for uploading and sharing these important clips. For additional videos on Marcel, we suggest going to youtube and typing in "Marcel Vogel workshop" There are some great videos that people have recorded from Marcel's various workshops that are very informative and great to watch.
  • Video Clip of Marcel Vogel clearing and programing a crystal
    Here are some short video clips that show Marcel Vogel sharing how you both clear a crystal, program a crystal and use a crystal. These videos were not uploaded by us so we give special thanks to Dan Willis for uploading and sharing these important clips. For additional videos on Marcel, we suggest going to youtube and typing in "Marcel Vogel workshop" There are some great videos that people have recorded from Marcel's various workshops that are very informative and great to watch.
  • What is the difference between a Pranic Wand & Vogel Cut?
    A Pranic Wand is not a Vogel crystal. A Pranic wand has a hemispherical rounded end at the female end while a Vogel Cut Crystal has a pointed terminated end at the fenakle end (see picture below). We started offering Pranic Wands due to customer requests. Some energy workers like to use Pranic Wands as they work great with tuning forks. People tap the tuning fork and then place it on the hemispherical end of the Pranic Wand and send the tuning fork vibrational energy through the crystal and out the tip. It is highly recommended to place a piece of leather or fabric between the tuning fork and crystal so it does not scratch or potentially chip it.
  • What is the difference between a Pranic Wand & Vogel Cut?
    A Pranic Wand is not a Vogel crystal. A Pranic wand has a hemispherical rounded end at the female end while a Vogel Cut Crystal has a pointed terminated end at the fenakle end (see picture below). We started offering Pranic Wands due to customer requests. Some energy workers like to use Pranic Wands as they work great with tuning forks. People tap the tuning fork and then place it on the hemispherical end of the Pranic Wand and send the tuning fork vibrational energy through the crystal and out the tip. It is highly recommended to place a piece of leather or fabric between the tuning fork and crystal so it does not scratch or potentially chip it.
  • What is the difference between a Pranic Wand & Vogel Cut?
    A Pranic Wand is not a Vogel crystal. A Pranic wand has a hemispherical rounded end at the female end while a Vogel Cut Crystal has a pointed terminated end at the fenakle end (see picture below). We started offering Pranic Wands due to customer requests. Some energy workers like to use Pranic Wands as they work great with tuning forks. People tap the tuning fork and then place it on the hemispherical end of the Pranic Wand and send the tuning fork vibrational energy through the crystal and out the tip. It is highly recommended to place a piece of leather or fabric between the tuning fork and crystal so it does not scratch or potentially chip it.
  • What is the difference between Citrine and Clear Quartz?
    Citrine is a variety of the mineral quartz. Citrine is sometimes referred to as the Merchants stone. It is a great one for manifestation. The citrine is quite beautiful. Generally clear quartz is used for Vogel Crystals but Citrine is equally as effective. It comes down to personal preference and what resonates with you.
  • What is the difference between Citrine and Clear Quartz?
    Citrine is a variety of the mineral quartz. Citrine is sometimes referred to as the Merchants stone. It is a great one for manifestation. The citrine is quite beautiful. Generally clear quartz is used for Vogel Crystals but Citrine is equally as effective. It comes down to personal preference and what resonates with you.
  • What is the difference between Citrine and Clear Quartz?
    Citrine is a variety of the mineral quartz. Citrine is sometimes referred to as the Merchants stone. It is a great one for manifestation. The citrine is quite beautiful. Generally clear quartz is used for Vogel Crystals but Citrine is equally as effective. It comes down to personal preference and what resonates with you.
  • Why are your crystals cut to 52 degrees?
    Our extremely talented crystal cutter, cuts our crystal using the same principles that Marcel Vogel used. There is a misconception that the angle of the Vogel Crystal is 51 degrees because how Marcel Vogel stated that the crystal input end should be cut to 51 degrees, 51 minutes, 51 seconds. When you plug those numbers into a calculator. When you plug those numbers into a degree, minute, second converter you get 51.86 degrees which is close to 52 degrees, (see image below) The actual precise angle of the great pyramid is 51.8 degrees which is close to 52 degrees. Our crystals are cut to "approximately" the 52 degree angle at the receiving end. The reason why we say approximately is because each crystal has its own frequency and unique qualities to it, we find that for optimization that this is very important to take into account when cutting them. We work with each crystal to maximize its amplifying abilities! This process creates what we have found to be the most effective and powerfully amplifying Vogel cut crystal! For more information on the precise angle of the great pyramid (click here) The output end we cut to 60 degrees.
  • Why are your crystals cut to 52 degrees?
    Our extremely talented crystal cutter, cuts our crystal using the same principles that Marcel Vogel used. There is a misconception that the angle of the Vogel Crystal is 51 degrees because how Marcel Vogel stated that the crystal input end should be cut to 51 degrees, 51 minutes, 51 seconds. When you plug those numbers into a calculator. When you plug those numbers into a degree, minute, second converter you get 51.86 degrees which is close to 52 degrees, (see image below) The actual precise angle of the great pyramid is 51.8 degrees which is close to 52 degrees. Our crystals are cut to "approximately" the 52 degree angle at the receiving end. The reason why we say approximately is because each crystal has its own frequency and unique qualities to it, we find that for optimization that this is very important to take into account when cutting them. We work with each crystal to maximize its amplifying abilities! This process creates what we have found to be the most effective and powerfully amplifying Vogel cut crystal! For more information on the precise angle of the great pyramid (click here) The output end we cut to 60 degrees.
  • Why are your crystals cut to 52 degrees?
    Our extremely talented crystal cutter, cuts our crystal using the same principles that Marcel Vogel used. There is a misconception that the angle of the Vogel Crystal is 51 degrees because how Marcel Vogel stated that the crystal input end should be cut to 51 degrees, 51 minutes, 51 seconds. When you plug those numbers into a calculator. When you plug those numbers into a degree, minute, second converter you get 51.86 degrees which is close to 52 degrees, (see image below) The actual precise angle of the great pyramid is 51.8 degrees which is close to 52 degrees. Our crystals are cut to "approximately" the 52 degree angle at the receiving end. The reason why we say approximately is because each crystal has its own frequency and unique qualities to it, we find that for optimization that this is very important to take into account when cutting them. We work with each crystal to maximize its amplifying abilities! This process creates what we have found to be the most effective and powerfully amplifying Vogel cut crystal! For more information on the precise angle of the great pyramid (click here) The output end we cut to 60 degrees.
  • Does it matter how many sides a crystal has?
    "The increase in number of sides, increase the volume of energy that a crystal will hold. It is like having a 4 volt, 6 volt and 8 volt battery. The same function takes place in the crystal except that there is an increase in charge and power." Marcel Vogel When choosing a crystal we recomend choosing one that speaks to you. I personally use a 12 sided Vogel Cut Crystal for most of my work. I like the numerology of 12 as it simplifies down to a 3 (When you add the first and second number of twelve you get a three 1+2=3). Tesla said that 3's, 6's and 9's were the keys to the Universe. I find in most of the work I personally do, the 12 sided crystal works great for me. That being said, I know plenty of people that like the 13 sided and 24 sided ones. Choose what resonates with you and calls you. All are amazing tools!
  • Does it matter how many sides a crystal has?
    "The increase in number of sides, increase the volume of energy that a crystal will hold. It is like having a 4 volt, 6 volt and 8 volt battery. The same function takes place in the crystal except that there is an increase in charge and power." Marcel Vogel When choosing a crystal we recomend choosing one that speaks to you. I personally use a 12 sided Vogel Cut Crystal for most of my work. I like the numerology of 12 as it simplifies down to a 3 (When you add the first and second number of twelve you get a three 1+2=3). Tesla said that 3's, 6's and 9's were the keys to the Universe. I find in most of the work I personally do, the 12 sided crystal works great for me. That being said, I know plenty of people that like the 13 sided and 24 sided ones. Choose what resonates with you and calls you. All are amazing tools!
  • Does it matter how many sides a crystal has?
    "The increase in number of sides, increase the volume of energy that a crystal will hold. It is like having a 4 volt, 6 volt and 8 volt battery. The same function takes place in the crystal except that there is an increase in charge and power." Marcel Vogel When choosing a crystal we recomend choosing one that speaks to you. I personally use a 12 sided Vogel Cut Crystal for most of my work. I like the numerology of 12 as it simplifies down to a 3 (When you add the first and second number of twelve you get a three 1+2=3). Tesla said that 3's, 6's and 9's were the keys to the Universe. I find in most of the work I personally do, the 12 sided crystal works great for me. That being said, I know plenty of people that like the 13 sided and 24 sided ones. Choose what resonates with you and calls you. All are amazing tools!
  • Do you accept returns or exchanges?
    We stand behind our crystals and their amazing properties! We believe that you will love our crystals as much as we do. The energetic qualities and Love that goes into them is palpable. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your crystal, you can return it within 30 days of receiving it for a full refund of the purchase price less the shipping cost. After the 30 day window is closed, all sales are final. Prior authorization is necessary for a return. Just drop us an email. Thanks!
  • Do you accept returns or exchanges?
    We stand behind our crystals and their amazing properties! We believe that you will love our crystals as much as we do. The energetic qualities and Love that goes into them is palpable. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your crystal, you can return it within 30 days of receiving it for a full refund of the purchase price less the shipping cost. After the 30 day window is closed, all sales are final. Prior authorization is necessary for a return. Just drop us an email. Thanks!
  • Do you accept returns or exchanges?
    We stand behind our crystals and their amazing properties! We believe that you will love our crystals as much as we do. The energetic qualities and Love that goes into them is palpable. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your crystal, you can return it within 30 days of receiving it for a full refund of the purchase price less the shipping cost. After the 30 day window is closed, all sales are final. Prior authorization is necessary for a return. Just drop us an email. Thanks!
  • About International Shipping
    We put a lot of care and thought into packing up the crystals and other items we sell to insure the item(s) arrive safely. We also provide you with a tracking number when your order ships. Generally we ship in 1-2 business days. With international orders (outside the United States) you should be aware that your country may charge an import duty. We don't have anything to do with these fees. We only charge for the shipping. The import duties are something that each country implements on their own and we have no control over unfortunately. Depending on the country these import duties can sometimes be pretty expense even upwards of 30% of the cost of the initial order. It is something to be aware of and something you may want to look into prior to ordering.
  • About International Shipping
    We put a lot of care and thought into packing up the crystals and other items we sell to insure the item(s) arrive safely. We also provide you with a tracking number when your order ships. Generally we ship in 1-2 business days. With international orders (outside the United States) you should be aware that your country may charge an import duty. We don't have anything to do with these fees. We only charge for the shipping. The import duties are something that each country implements on their own and we have no control over unfortunately. Depending on the country these import duties can sometimes be pretty expense even upwards of 30% of the cost of the initial order. It is something to be aware of and something you may want to look into prior to ordering.
  • About International Shipping
    We put a lot of care and thought into packing up the crystals and other items we sell to insure the item(s) arrive safely. We also provide you with a tracking number when your order ships. Generally we ship in 1-2 business days. With international orders (outside the United States) you should be aware that your country may charge an import duty. We don't have anything to do with these fees. We only charge for the shipping. The import duties are something that each country implements on their own and we have no control over unfortunately. Depending on the country these import duties can sometimes be pretty expense even upwards of 30% of the cost of the initial order. It is something to be aware of and something you may want to look into prior to ordering.
  • Resources about Marcel Vogel & Vogel Crystals
    Here is Marcel Vogel's Crystal Knowledge Workbook that we came across that was uploaded and shared on It is 132 pages
  • Resources about Marcel Vogel & Vogel Crystals
    Here is Marcel Vogel's Crystal Knowledge Workbook that we came across that was uploaded and shared on It is 132 pages
  • Resources about Marcel Vogel & Vogel Crystals
    Here is Marcel Vogel's Crystal Knowledge Workbook that we came across that was uploaded and shared on It is 132 pages
Vogel crystal point
Vogel cut crystals
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